Link Popularity Analysis
  How does it work
Keyword Wizard
PageRank Checker
Why Link's Pagerank and Anchor Text is so important Google Search Engine Ranking Algorithm Analysis

Google is designed to provide higher quality search . In order to accomplish this Google combines PageRank with sophisticated text-matching techniques to find pages that are both important and relevant to your search.

The Order of Ranking in Google:

  1. Find all pages matching the keywords.
  2. Rank accordingly using 'on the page factors.
  3. Calculate inbound anchor text .
  4. Adjust the results by PageRank scores.

To improve search engine ranking,webmaster should do :

  1. The first priority therefore should optimized web page for your keywords.
  2. The second priority should put keywords in the anchor text used in inbound links.
  3. The third place should boost your Pagerank, exchange links with more high Pagerank website.

Link Popularity Analysis is designed for analyzing inbound links on Google, It automatically search link's Pagarank and Anchor text, help webmaster :

  1. Check link's Anchor text containing keywords.
  2. Find more websites with high Pagerank from your competitors.

Try Link Popularity Analysis to find out why your competitor win top ranking on Google !

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